Friday, February 14, 2025

CHA: New Thaumatology

Hello, humans!

It's time to test out some new Chrome Hammer rules!

Thursday, October 31, 2024

With Great Power: ACT III


This is it! Will "The Haunt" succeed in instigating a supernatural holy war? Will Shimmer and Nevermore be able to stop him in time? What will happen to Lenore? Find out now, in ACT III of this action-packed issue!

This is obviously a continuation of ACT II. You should click there if you haven't read it already. Or if this is all new to you, start at ACT I instead!

With the game wrapping up, we'll see what this whole experience looks like. It's not perfect, of course, because I'm playing all sides against myself, and while I'm not skipping anything, I'm trying to optimize everything to fit into a blog or three. In a sit-down game with friends, there's more room and time to explore tangents, and more minds with more ideas to work with.

But this is a blog, and I know that I, personally, don't read long blog posts, so I certainly don't expect you to. So I'm keeping this as tight as I reasonably can.

Anyway, to recap: Our Temu "Batman" and "Human-Torch-in-The-British-Sense-of-the-Word" investigate supernatural attacks on a local psychic celebrity and a fundamentalist church and connect the attacks to the "Cult of Dread". Navigating supernatural safeguards, they sneak into the Cult's hidden temple only to find that some kind of undead cult leader was ready for them the whole time and now has Nevermore's ghostly sidekick, Lenore, in their clutches!

Friday, October 25, 2024

With Great Power: ACT II


Well, I'm assuming that this is "ACT II". I feel like there should be enough for a third act, but we'll see.

This is obviously a continuation of ACT I. You should click there and read the first bit if you haven't already.

(The game doesn't really have "acts", but I was about a third of the way through the pacing mechanic, so here we are.)

To recap: A "we-have-Batman-at-home" Batman ("Nevermore") and a Human Torch knock-off but with light instead of fire ("Shimmer") have fended off a zombie attack at APEX labs...

(Hmm... It felt like more than that...)

Monday, October 14, 2024

With Great Power: ACT I


Oh, my poor, dried-up blog.

I'm not a blogger. I do a little of this and a little of that, using up hobbies and such as I go.  A lot of the time, the blog just serves as a place to put things, like a notebook that I can share with the world.  After all, somebody might want to see it, and I can find it again later if I need to.

Anyway, while I'm still working on an update of Chrome Hammer, I'm also obsessed with "With Great Power: Master Edition", a sort of indie RPG about superheroes.

Wednesday, April 3, 2024

LaserStorm 2e Unit Builder

Hi! It's been a while. With the release of LaserStorm 2e, I've built this thing to help you make units! Huzzah!

I'll probably come back and class it up a bit later with some color and whatnot.

I hope you find it useful.

Thanks for playing!

Wednesday, August 16, 2023

Starforged: First Session

Hello humans!

And today it looks like it's more RPG stuff.  While I couldn't get into Ironsworn, for some reason Starforged was easier for me and I was able to get started and play through to the end without a problem.  Well, almost without a problem.  For some reason it took me months to come back to this and roll the dice two more times.

Anyway, here's what happened...

Saturday, May 6, 2023

Chrome Hammer: Ascension - R&D

Hello, Humans!

Sorry about the blog lag (blag?)  It's been a while since I've made a post, and even longer since I've done one about minis gaming.  Sometimes hobbies just get "used up" for me and I struggle to find an angle to get back into it.  I'm also in a bit of a creative slump.  But enough about me!

Today, I'm eating my own (soy) dog food and trying out some rules changes that I'm batting around.

Today's Job is what I'm going to call "Smash and Grab".