Friday, February 14, 2025

CHA: New Thaumatology

Hello, humans!

It's time to test out some new Chrome Hammer rules!

I've been trying to update Chrome Hammer and Chrome Hammer Ascension for quite a while, but it's slow going. I think I have some good ideas at this point, but it's hard to tell. And if I'm going to bother with this, I want everything to be as well-designed as possible. That means including both PvP and solo (and making it fun for both sides), magic and non-magic (without one being an afterthought) and trying to keep things fair and fun and generally not broken. At the moment, that means focusing on PvP, and the Corporation side specifically, and that can be a challenge to get my head around, two-handing it while trying to take notes and not get overwhelmed.

So here we are.  A blog post!

The 'Punks

I'm going to start simple, with no magic and a starter crew:

Agent M: Rogue Non-Grata Face
Bloo: Rogue Veteran Ronin
Flavio: Psycho Zealot Shadow
Amaranth: Rogue Ganger Runner
Verdun: Doll Cipher Hacker

These are all basically human. "Rogues" are pretty standard humans. "Psychos" are aggressively unstable humans. "Dolls" are technically androids, but are mostly human otherwise. Other options include Mutants, Heavies, and Exotics.

The Corp

The Corporation (Corp) will be "SerpenDyne Inc." The CEO is "The Dragon". They're not an actual dragon, though.  That's just a nickname. The Dragon is paranoid but stingy, and that has some game effects. SerpenDyne's major Investment is "Cybernetics". This gives SerpenDyne's troops access to the "Terminator" trait, making them dangerously persistent!

PvP missions are called "Operations" and we'll be going with //Sabotage(DataSteal), which is the popular "sneak in and hack a computer" mission. The standard mission of this type has four Guards that come in late from the corners, two LootCrates and two DataTerms placed evenly across the table, and the standard suite of rules and protocols.

But the Corp starts with a "Security Budget" that can be used to customize the compound's defenses. In this case, I'll replace one Guard Unit with a Heavy Weapon Unit, have that Heavy Weapon Unit start near the Access Point, and move one DataTerm closer to the back of the table.

Heavy Weapon Unit stationed near the Access Point

Finally, the Corp picks five Units to act as Reinforcements. Here I choose a Trooper, a Guard Dog, a CyberOps Specialist, an ED-2099, and a Squad of Bot Troopers (upgraded from a Trooper).



Punk Orders: [4][4] = 4 Orders.

The 'Punks roll doubles, so it could mean a Boost, which would grant one Unit two (different) Orders. However, "4" is less than the number of 'Punks on the table, so there's no Boost. :(

Amaranth, Verdun, and Bloo spread out 6 inches into the compound. Flavio risks being Exposed by trying a Move Out Order while Hidden. He only rolls one extra inch of movement, but it's less than a 6 so he isn't Exposed in the process.

With only 4 Orders, Agent M doesn't get an Order, so he "Lags", moving 3 inches.

Tip-toe-ing noises. Teedledeedledee!

At the beginning of the Corp's first Phase, the Corp's "patrol" Units are placed within 3 inches of random spawn points. In this case, two emerge from the Corp's left corner, and one from the right. The fourth Unit, a Heavy Weapon Unit, got to start already on the table because of the Security Budget purchase during setup.


Corp Orders: [6] = 6 Orders.

The Corp only rolls 1D6 for Orders because they haven't been Alerted yet (the 'Punks are still Hidden).

There are only four Corp Units in play, so the remaining Orders are discarded. The three Guards "Move Out" toward the 'Punks. They're not Hidden, so there's nothing at risk. The Heavy Weapon Unit steps away from the 'Punks before Scanning them so as not to risk being Distracted, but fails. Because he is now more than 3 inches away, he isn't Distracted by the failure.

"Hup, hup, hup!"


That's the end of the first Turn.


'Punk Orders: [6][4] = 6 Orders.

Agent M moves toward a LootCrate. Amaranth and Flavio move up the other side of the table, dangerously close to another Guard. And Bloo risks running up the middle of the table toward the main Objective. He rolls a five, which is very fast, but it's not a six, so he remains Hidden.

Almost there...

Corp Orders: [1] = 1 Order. :(

Unfortunate! The Corp gets just one Order.

Given the options, only one Guard gets a bonus (for high ground) to Scan, so that Guard Scans Bloo. Guards are "Focused" so they don't get Distracted by failed Scans at Close Call range. But it doesn't matter. The Scan is successful, so Bloo takes 1D6 Suspicion (SUS), and has to make a full move directly away or be Exposed! The die roll is only 1, though, but because it's a Close Call, the Corp also gets 1D6 (5 here) Response Points.

(I forgot that the other Units could have made a 3 inch Lag move.  Oh well.)



'Punk Orders: [6][4] = 6 Orders.

Verdun tries (and fails) to Hot-wire a LootCrate, taking two Damage. He should probably be Hacking DataTerms instead of trying to open LootCrates. Everyone else sneaks forward.

BZZT! "Ouch!"

Going for the main Objective and a DataTerm.

Corp Orders: [6] = 6 Orders.

Yikes! Two Guards fail Close Calls, sending them walking off in other directions. One Guard Scans Agent M for just one SUS, but racks up another 4 Response Points. Finally, the Heavy Weapon Unit takes a chance to Scan Verdun, Exposing him (and gaining another 2 RP)!

"Intruder identified!"

The Corp then spends 10 of its 13 RP to summon the ED-2099...



'Punk Orders: [6][5] = 6 Orders.

Bloo tries to Hack the main Objective, but fails. Amaranth fails to Hot-wire the other LootCrate. Flavio, however, successfully Hacks the nearby DataTerm.


Verdun considers fighting the Heavy Weapon Unit, but thinks better of it and Defends toward the Access Point.

"Nope. Nope, nope, nope!"

Corp Orders: [4][3] = 4 Orders.

Because there's an Exposed 'Punk (Verdun) on the table, the Corp gets 1D6 (here 2) Response Points at the start of the Phase, and also rolls 2D6H for Orders, just like the 'Punks!

With Bloo at the main Objective, it's important to deal with him. A Guard initiates a Close Call, doing just 2 SUS, but Bloo doesn't want to be scared away from the Objective, so he elects to be Exposed instead! A second Guard takes advantage of this and shoots him for 4 Damage. (It was actually 5, but as a Hero, Bloo ignores the first point, to a minimum of one.)

Dakka dakka dakka!

The Heavy Weapon Unit rounds the wall, shooting Verdun for a point of Damage. (I forgot that he's not allowed to move and shoot with his Cumbersome trait!)  He chooses to fall back, only to have ED2099 unload on him for four more Damage! Verdun shoots back for 2 Damage, and considering he shooting at an armored vehicle, still manages to do 2 Damage to it! He'll probably be running for the door next Turn.

"You have 20 seconds to comply..."

Finally, the Corp spends all of those sweet RPs on a SysOp (temporary +1 TN to Hack the main Objective), and brings in a squad of bot Troopers!

"Oh shizzle!"


Punk Orders: [3][1] = 3 Orders.

Bloo is still by the main Objective, but he's hurt and Exposed, and the SysOp Protocol will make Hacking even harder, so he chooses to fall back, letting somebody else tackle this problem.  He's already Exposed, so he tries shooting the Guard that's following him. Guards have just 5 HP, but Bloo only does 3 Damage. The Guard fires back for 5 Damage, and even with the damage reduction from Cover and being a Hero, it's enough to take him out. Amaranth grits her teeth and hops the wall toward the Objective, hoping to avoid detection and make Bloo's sacrifice worth it.

Ugh. This probably won't end well.

Verdun is likewise in a bad position, injured and pinned between two heavy enemies. Discretion being the better part of valor, he bails on his crew.


Corp Orders: [3] = 3 Orders

With Bloo Fragged and Verdun escaped, the Corp is no longer Alert, only rolling 1 die and not gaining any new Response Points.

But the benefit is short-lived. One Guard backs up and fails a Scan. The squad of bot Troopers approaches and also Scans Amaranth for 6(!) SUS, Exposing her! The Guard up on the top of building behind her barely hits her, doing two more damage, but she shoots back, double critting ([6][6]) for +2 Damage, Fragging the Guard, but sending the Corp 1D6 (3) Response Points. All of the other Units use their Lag to move toward her.

Back off!


'Punk Orders: [6][5] = 6 Orders.

Let's hope Amaranth can make another roll like that when she tries to Hack the Objective!

So close! Unfortunately, her injuries penalize her and she just barely fails the Hack, picking up a Tag.


Agent M decides to try to take out another Guard, sneaking up on him for a stealthy Takedown. They both take 1 Damage to start. Then the first roll is a tie. Both take 1 more Damage. Agent M counts his current Stealth as Armor, but the minimum Damage is still 1, and then he's Exposed. They end, locked in melee.

Ho! Ha-ha! Guard! Turn! Parry! Dodge! Spin! Ha! Thrust! SPROING!

Corp Orders: [4][1] = 4 Orders.

+2 RP for exposed 'Punks.

The squad of bot Troopers charges into Assault with Amaranth, Fragging her! The Guard fails to Scan Flavio. The other Guard tries to finish off Agent M by continuing the Takedown, but instead gets himself Fragged (granting the Corp 6 RP). Some of those points the Corp spends on another SysOp.

Does this seem right to you?


'Punk Orders: [6][2] = 6 Orders.

Flavio goes for it!

He's penalized for the nearby enemies as well as the SysOp, but he rolls [5][6] for a total of 11, successfully Hacking the Objective! Agent M moves out of the squad's line of sight and Lies Low, regaining a point of Stealth.

Success! Get out!

Corp Orders: [4] = 4 Orders.

The Guard Scans Flavio in a Close Call, inflicting 4 SUS! Not great. The bot squad takes a chance on a Close Call, inflicting one more SUS, but failing and ending up Distracted behind a wall. The other Corp Units advance on the 'Punks position from the other side of the table, and the Corp calls a Guard dog to the near corner of the compound.


'Punk Orders: [4][3] = 4 Orders.

The 'Punks Move Out, of course! Both rolls '2's to Move Out, moving 8 inches each.

Corp Orders: [1] = 1 Order.

The Corp spends the last of its RPs to activate a SecureCam, scanning Flavio for 1, Exposing him! Then the bot squad takes advantage of this to attack! They can't move while Distracted, but they've got a clear shot, and hit! As a Squad, they roll 2D6H for damage, but somehow manage to roll [2][1] for 2 Damage (reduced to 1 by Flavio's Heroism).

"Ow! My shapely buttocks!"


'Punk Orders: [6][3] = 6 Orders.

Both continue to run for it. Agent M doesn't quite make it out, and Flavio is left standing in the open.

 Corp Orders: [3][1] = 3 Orders.

The Heavy Weapon Unit follows, but can't move and shoot. ED2099 unloads on Flavio at practically point blank range, and hits, but only rolls a 1 for Damage! So much luck on the 'Punks side!

"Ow! My voluminous front butt!"


Flavio and Agent M make it out!


Bloo and Amaranth roll to survive being Fragged. Bloo gets a 6 and survives. Amaranth gets a 2, which would normally mean she's Captured, but because she has an active Tag, the -1 penalty means she's Wasted instead! :(

Well, who won?

The 'Punks got Victory Points (VP) for completing the main Objective, for Fragging Corp Units, and for Hacking a DataTerm.

The Corp gets VPs for Fragging and Tagging 'Punks.

I'm still working out the VP values and conditions, but it looks like the Corp barely edged out the 'Punks 12VP to 11VP.

And that's a PvP game. It's always hard to tell how "fun" the game is when playing both sides. And it's also hard not to favor one side over the other.  Normally the 'Punks are the "good" guys, but I tried to pretend that I was the Corp player, defending my stuff from these hooligans.

I learned a few things and made a few tweaks, so I guess this was a success. I'll try to keep folks in the loop, such as it is.




Until next time,

Ĝis la revido!

Jason "Ludanto" Smith C;E



  1. Very interesting narrative from the rules. I also like that you fell into every gaming writers rule that you forget your own rules :-) i do that all the time.

    1. Thanks! It doesn't help that this game mode is two-player and asymmetrical. :)
