The previous mission, "Grassing the Neighborhood", wasn't particularly fruitful. Agent M managed to pull a rogue Fabricant off of the streets, but that's about it. It's time to draw on the Department's resources and talk to one of their paid informants, a "snitch". "Meeting the Snitch" costs 5 Budget.
The meet is set in a rough part of town. Tensions are high, and violence could erupt at any moment, so Agent M is bringing along some backup (at the cost of 3 Budget) in the form of Officer Nolan, a specialist Riot Officer, armed with a blaster rifle (on stun) and stun grenades. Officer Nolan is in full uniform, but even if he wasn't, the residents can smell bacon from 60cm away, and neither officer starts out hidden.
The Setup
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The officers in the southern corner. The snitch in the center near a crowd, and two more crowds. Don't these people have jobs? |
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"Did I lock it? Of course I locked it! Look at this neighborhood! "No, you don't need to check. Why can't you ever just trust me?" |
Turns 1 - 6
The first several turns are just the officers carefully walking up to the snitch's location. There aren't any suspects yet, and until the officers approach a crowd, nothing special will happen. Eventually, Agent M ends his move within 6cm of the crowd marker, and a die is rolled to see what happens. A result of 4 means it's just nasty looks and innovative choreography... for now.
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"There ain't no second chance against the thing with 40 eyes, girl!" |
Agent M also comes within 3cm of the snitch, and the random result is "Information"! He still needs to make sense of it, though, which requires a Process Evidence test. Agent M doesn't have the skill, but his Logic is 2. He also has the Edge, which gives him +2 dice (although it's not clear if this counts as an "action" worthy of the Edge), and he drops both Fate points on the roll as well. He gets more than three Goals, and so earns 2 Financial Evidence. Finally! "Follow the money", indeed.
HOWEVER, everybody has now seen the snitch talking to the cops. Somebody probably should have planned this out better. So anyway, our informant is now in potential danger, and can be targeted by any troublemakers that decide to leap out of the crowd.
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I'm sure he'll be fine... |
Game End?
Oh! I guess that's it. Met the snitch. No rioting crowds. That's the game end condition. Well, I suppose that's bound to happen sometimes. Really, it's probably for the best, though it doesn't make for a particularly interesting report.
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"No! I KNOW it was locked! This is NOT my fault!" |
Post-Battle Results
Officer Nolan is an NPC. He doesn't get Experience Points. Back into your hole, you soulless abomination!
Agent M, on the other hand, gets 1XP for surviving, and 1XP for successfully retrieving evidence in the field. That brings his total to 4XP. Just 1XP away from a Bump!
Back at the Station
There are no suspects to interrogate and the evidence doesn't require any special treatment, and nobody is hurt, and there are no IA points, so there's really nothing to do. However, Agent M brought along Nolan without needing him (and he's pretty sure Nolan left the cruiser's door unlocked), so he's inclined to try to ask for more Budget.
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In triplicate, of course. |
He needs to make a TN2[5] Bureaucracy test. (Bureaucracy, per the FAQ/Errata.) The [5] means that the request requires some finesse. If Agent M gets super slick in his wheedling for more Budget and scores more than 5 Goals, it will raise Internal Affairs' suspicions. As such, he has to play it cool. He rolls two dice and gets 3 and 6. The 6 counts as 2 Goals, which meets TN2. The rules say I get 1 Budget for every Goal, not every Goal over the TN, so I guess I get 2 Budget back. Not bad!
Final Result
Budget: 87/100
XP: 4
People Evidence: 0/2
Place Evidence: 0/4
Electronic Evidence: 0/1
Financial Evidence: 2/3
Physical Evidence: 0/1
To stop the terrorist Fabricant, "Nick", I need 2 People, 4 Place, 1 Electronic, 3 Financial, and 1 Physical evidence point. To that end, the next mission will be... "The Murder Sweep"!
- Jason "Ludanto" Smith C;E
Great report even though nothing happened you get a feel for the rules.
Thanks! Yeah, things could have gone wrong in several ways. Obviously, if I was just playing this with nobody watching, this would have been the optimal result. For entertainment purposes, it was a little light. ;)