Monday, October 10, 2022

TSoY: The Ziggurat

More adventures with Pedro and Chaser! (A scant two years late.)

I don't know if anybody wants this, but my blarg is lying here, fallow, and I've got nothing else right now, so you get a clumsy attempt at some solo "roleplaying" using The Shadow of Yesterday and the Mythic Gamemaster Emulator.

When last we left our adventurous duo, they had crossed a perilous rope-bridge into a dark forest, escaped pursuit by Khalean ne'er-do-wells, and had a personal reckoning.  It has now been several weeks of travel as they continue their treasure hunt, though their simple map is proving less and less useful.  Following the coast northward, the days become warmer, signs of civilization appear less and less often, and the forest inland grows more and more dense.  The strange hoots and growls emanating from the dark, wet jungle speak of death and danger.

Scene 1: The Trading Post
Chaos: 5

Mythic: Event PC Positive - "Work Hard Emotions"

Just when it seems like this was all a terrible, terrible idea, Pedro and Chaser spy a wooden structure with guards on the palisades and an unfamiliar flag fluttering in the salty breeze.  As they approach, an imperious, pale-skinned man, almost certainly from Ammeni, exits the building and approaches with a pair of guards.  Pedro, though tired, readies himself for a fight, but the Ammenite grins and opens his arms in welcome!

Mythic: NPC Description - "Positively Strong"

"Aha!  A visitor from the south!  How wonderful to get a little culture out here in the untamed wilds of Qek!" he says, beaming.  "Please, come inside and clean yourself up!  I am just thrilled to see you, and I might even have an enticing offer for you if you're up to the challenge!

"Oh, my manners!  Too long have I languished in this cultural void!  I am D'Anton de Valier, of course, and this is my trading post!"

He offers his hand to Pedro, seemingly trying to pretend that the Ratling isn't there.  D'Anton's eyes are friendly, but his grip is like iron, and Pedro wonders if he hasn't stumbled into the lair of a less obvious predator.

The inside of the trading post, at least the part to which they are lead, is significantly more plush than the rough exterior would suggest.  After they've washed their faces and hands, D'Anton offers Pedro a sweet-smelling wine, but Pedro is reluctant to drink.

"Oh, of course.  Rumors are what they are", D'Anton says with a smirk.  "But I assure you it's perfectly safe.  If I sought to harm you, I have many armed men here who could do the job, not that I'd need them", he insists, laughing at the very thought.

Pedro sips carefully and doesn't die.  He notices that Chaser was not offered a beverage, but the Ratling seems to be preoccupied with casing the opulent chamber.

D'Anton tells Pedro that his "man", Duval, was injured by a beast in the jungle while investigating a ruin.  He wants to continue the expedition, but he can't trust the "locals", and so is hoping that Pedro would be willing to take the lead on a second trip into the trees, guided by the local tsafari and his cousins.

"Tsafari?" Pedro asks.

"A guide," D'Anton replies.  "It's damnably easy to get lost in this jungle.  I'd swear the place is cursed!  But our savage friend Tlaloc seems to know his way around."

"And there's a beast, you say", Pedro thinks aloud.  He glances to Chaser, who returns a look of feigned innocence.  "I'll bet that's a good way to make a name for myself.  We'll have to discuss our fee, but otherwise, I'm in!"

TSoY: Key of Adventure +1xp
TSoY: Pedro spends his saved Advance to purchase the Key of Glory.

  • 1xp: Make sure your name and deeds are known by bragging or seeking witnesses.
  • 3xp: Take foolish risks to increase or enjoy your fame
  • Buyoff: Give the credit that would have increased your glory to someone else.
Scene 2: Into the Jungle
Chaos: 4

TSoY: Between Scenes, Pedro spends 2 (of 6) Vigor Pool to heal a Minor level of Harm

The next day, Pedro, Chaser, Tlaloc, and several of his cousins are traveling through the jungle.  The air is heavier and the party's senses are overwhelmed by earthy moistness and the calls and cries of innumerable jungle creatures.

Tlaloc leads the way, seeming to take stock of invisible landmarks.

Mythic: NPC Description - "Ceaselessly Horrible"

"Watch your step, Great Sir", Tlaloc says to Pedro in a heavy accent.  "I once have a cousin who cut his foot on spike-fruit pod, and his leg swell to the size of a second man before he die."

Then, there's the sound of something moving in the underbrush...

Mythic: "Is it a predator?" (Very Likely) Exceptional YES!

The expedition stops in its tracks and listens.  Ahead, on the barely visible game trail, a lizard the size of a very large dog steps out.  It stands on two legs that end in terrible claws and huge, knife-like spurs.  It bobs its head menacingly and voices a throaty series of clicks as it bares rows of jagged teeth.

"Tell your cousins to stand back and watch well!" Pedro orders as he draws his sword and shield.  "I'll handle this!"

TSoY: Key of Glory +3xp, Key of Adventure +2xp

"Great Sir, no!  There are surely..." Tlaloc warns, but it's too late as Pedro is already stomping toward the reptilian beast, who begins backing away, obviously intimidated by Pedro's aggressive advance.

"Hey, get back here!" Pedro growls as his target leaves sight of his audience.

Suddenly Pedro is alone with the raptor.  And then another one steps out behind him.  And another...

TSoY: Conflict Stakes - Drive Off Raptors vs. Injure Pedro (Harm)
TSoY: Brawl 1 (Pedro) vs Pack Hunter 1 (Raptors)
TSoY: Raptor (w 2 supporting raptors) =>[+][+][_][1] =>[-][_][_][+][+][+][1]=>[_][_][+][+][+][+][1] = 4
TSoY: Pedro =>[_][_][_][1] (-1 Vigor[-]) = 1
TSoY: Pedro suffers Harm 4 (because Harm 3 is full) and is very hurt before the others can catch up. :(

Pedro slashes at the raptors and tries to block their attacks, but he's outnumbered, ambushed, fighting in a dense jungle, and his training is more a hinderance than a help.  The raptors harry him, biting and slashing at his back and legs until Tlaloc and his cousins catch up, crashing through the leaves with their spears at the ready.  Outnumbered and outreached, the raptors quickly retreat, though they can still be heard circling in the shadows.

Tlaloc's cousins form a ring of spears around Pedro as Tlaloc and Chaser tend to his wounds.

"You are very lucky, Great Sir.  One of my cousins was drag from his home and eat by one such as these.  His wife swear that it did knock on the wall as a visitor in the night!  Very dangerous.  Very clever." 

TSoY: Housework 0 (Tlaloc) vs Harm 3 =>[_][+][+][0] = 2 (No effect)

Scene 3: The Ziggurat
Chaos: 5

Some time later, they encounter a vine-covered stone wall, the foot of a large, stepped-pyramid.  Tlaloc indicates that this is the place where Duval was attacked.

Mythic: "Does it look inhabited?" (Very Unlikely) No.
Mythic: "Is there an entrance?" (Likely) Yes.
Mythic: "Are there signs of predators?" (Likely) Yes.
Mythic: "Do the guides follow me in?" (Unlikely) Yes.
Mythic: "What is it like inside?" (Daintily Mighty)

The ziggurat seems desolate and old.  It has clearly been abandoned for quite some time.  Carefully traversing the perimeter of the structure, they eventually come to a wide opening, though much of it is blocked by thick vines and twisting trunks.  Thrusting his torch into the darkness, Pedro reveals scattered bones and thin cobwebs.  The guides mutter uncomfortably amongst themselves.

Pedro climbs over the branches and steps inside, stray bones crunching underfoot.  Chaser follows, and then, slowly, the guides as well.  Inside, the stone hallway is covered in wispy cobwebs which eventually coalesce into thick sheets that obscured the walls with their silken strands.  They look quite fragile, but are clearly able to support the desiccated corpses suspended within.

"Oh, no," Pedro moans.  "Tlaloc, do you have giant spiders here?"

"No, no, Great Sir!" Tlaloc replies reassuringly.  "Just normal sizes.  Thumb-size.  Bird-size.  Child-size.  Man-size."

Mythic: "Do I see any giant spiders?" (Very Likely) No.
Mythic: "Will the webs alight?" (Unlikely) No.
Mythic: "Are the webs sticky?" (Unlikely) No.
Mythic: "Do we eventually find a giant spider?" (Likely) Exceptional YES!

Pedro scans the darkness for threats, but all is quiet here.  He cleverly(?) tries to burn the webs with his torch, but they only sputter and melt around the flame.  Disappointed, here cleverly (for real this time) picks up a long bone from the ground and bats it around in the webbing.  Finding that it doesn't immediately adhere to the strands, he draws his sword and gestures everyone forward. 

After several minutes, the passage widens, and the light from Pedro's torch can be seen reflecting off of the shiny carapace of a huge, man-sized spider that doesn't move as they approach.  Unfortunately, five skittering, child-sized spiders come pouring out of the darkness around them, charging at the group!

Mythic: "Do the guides panic?" (50/50) No.

Pedro, sensing his moment, chooses to grit his teeth against his very recent injuries and heroically charge past the smaller spiders, screaming a battle-cry as he lunges at the "mother" spider.

TSoY: Key of Glory +3xp
Mythic: "Does Chaser follow me?" (Very Likely) Exceptional YES!

However, Pedro's moment of glory is somewhat undercut by Chaser's high-pitched squeal as the little Ratling dashes between Pedro's legs and out in front of him to leap bodily upon the huge spider, dagger outstretched!

TSoY: Key of Relation (to Pedro) +3xp
TSoY: Conflict Stakes - Drive off giant spider vs. Entangle the intruders
TSoY: Pedro helps Chaser with Melee(+2) (-1 die from Harm)=>
[2][+][-][-][_] = 1 bonus die
Chaser stabs at the giant spider with Brawl (+1) =>
[1][_][_][_][_] = 1
Giant spider tries to ensnare Pedro & Chaser (Trap-Hunter +2) (-1 in a direct fight) =>
[1][+][-][-] = 0

Per Chaser's plan, the spider is quite distracted by having a Ratling on her back, trying to stab her in the  joints of her carapace.  With Pedro swinging at her face, she is forced backwards, until she suddenly leaps to the ceiling, dropping Chaser to the floor, and scurries over the heads of the combatants and away into the darkness.

Pedro frowns at chaser with frustration.  "I had it under control, you!"

"You hurt, dummy," Chaser replies with an eye roll, pointing to Pedro's re-opened wound.  "We not ready."

Mythic: "Are the guides injured?" (Likely) Yes.
Mythic: "Did any die?" (50/50) No.
Mythic: "Are they poisoned?" (Unlikely) Yes.

Pedro and Chaser return to the guides to find them surrounded by dead spiders, but tending to one of their own wounded, who bears a nasty, purple bite-mark.

Pero looks at Chaser, and the back to the guides.  "Ok, we weren't ready for this.  We have to get back to the outpost.  Now."

The guides help their injured companion to his feet and everyone quickly leaves the web-filled hall.

Mythic: "Do we make it back without a problem?" (50/50) No.
Mythic: "Is it those stupid raptors again?" (50/50) Yes.

Halfway to their destination, Chaser hears something moving in the trees, and the telltale hiss of the raptors again.

"Oh, come on!" Perdo spits. "I hate this place!  Everybody, stay together, but RUN!"

TSoY: Conflict Stakes - Escape to the outpost vs. Drag a guide off into the jungle.
TSoY: Tlaloc helps guide the chase with Local(+2) =>
[2][+][+][-] = 3 bonus dice!
Pedro leads the retreat with Sports(+1)
(With a penalty die for staying together and another for Harm)
(3 bonus dice + 2 penalty dice = 1 bonus die) =>
[1][+][+][+][_] = 4
The raptors try to surround the party with Pack Hunter(+1)
(Just giving the pack a straight bonus die this time) =>
[1][_][-][-][-] = 0

The chase through the dense jungle is terrifying.  The only sounds are desperate panting breaths, the thrashing of legs in the underbrush, and the occasional shout of direction from Tlaloc.  The raptors are never seen again, but can be heard the whole time, right up to the point where the party tumbles out onto the beach and, hopefully, to safety.

Scene 4: Licking Our Wounds
Chaos: 6

Mythic: "Did the poisoned guy make it?" (50/50) No.
TSoY: Vigor refreshment for Pedro
TSoY: Vigor refreshment for Chaser
TSoY: Key of Glory +1xp
TSoY: Pedro spends 4 Vigor to remove Harm 4

Pedro has his wounds bandaged again and will recover.  Unfortunately, the poisoned guide is not so lucky and his insides liquefy over the course of the next day.

"Ah, my poor cousin," Tlaloc laments.  "I will have to tell his wife of his horrible fate."

Pedro spends time getting to know D'Anton, sparring with a dueling sword in one hand and a chalice of wine in the other as he recounts his heroic deeds to the wealthy Amenite.  The local guides tell a different tale about a brave rat-man amongst themselves, however.

"Rest assured, D'Anton," he tells the Amenite, "I will crush that monster in the ruin.  I'll just need a little time to plan."

Chaser doesn't care, as he spends his downtime with his rats, sneaking into the larder to gorge on some rather rare delicacies, and even the occasional fine cheese.

End of Session

Well, that went a little long...

I don't know how people feel about these solo RPG things.  I'm not sure I would read it myself if somebody else posted it. But, here it is.  I ran into a bit of  a stumbling block halfway through, as I think I was trying to GM more than be a player, but that's to be expected as I'm not much of a player.  Eventually, I managed to refocus and take things a step at a time and finally complete this session.  And it was nice to find myself surprised by the outcome.  I wasn't expecting spiders, or for an over-protective Chaser to glory-block his buddy Pedro.  Some wing-man, am I right?


Pedro and Chaser find a trading post near the jungle and are hired on to deal with a creature that has injured one of the patron's men. Some local guides take them through the jungle to the ruin where the attack happened, barely surviving a Jurassic Park style velociraptor attack along the way, further injuring Pedro, who failed in his attempt to show off for the guides. They eventually come to a ziggurat, go inside and fight a giant spider. Pedro tries to bravely charge it, but Chaser even more bravely runs it off before it can kill the injured Pedro. Pedro is annoyed, but has to admit that they aren't ready, so they head back. Unfortunately, they're ambushed by those raptors again, and are chased all the way back to the beach. One of the guides dies horribly of spider poison. Then everybody rests up while Pedro brags about his exploits to the outpost's patron.

I really like this system, but I might try something different next time.  Maybe one of those minimalist things like "Into the Odd".
Ĝis la revido!"

Jason "Ludanto" Smith C;E


  1. I, for one, did read it. I do enjoy your solo RPG reports. I am in an solo RPG-zone at the moment as well. My solo-RPG is more as the GM as a player. I find it too hard as a player and doing solo GM can rely on tables a lot more :-) Just starting a Starport Scum campaign with a focus on the RPG side, not the tabletop combat. I think Scum seems better for the RPG focus than 5Parsecs but shall see. May even blog it.

    1. Hey, thanks! I think that a Starport Scum RPG thing would be neat. I know the minis game is fun, and it has several supplements that give you more options. Very clever!
